I would like to do an herbal internal cleanse. IE: Cleansing my blood, internal organs, muscles etc. What products can I use that are safe? Are there any that are ';doctor recommended';? Where can I purchase such a product? I would like to do an internal cleansing. What products can I use that are safe?
I agree with the other comment. A lot of doctors don't focus on this sort of thing as much..but there are some Naturopaths that are MDs that might be of help. You'd have to make and apt to get a full assesment so they can focus on the whole you.
You might try a good ol fashioned juice fast. This is how I've done it in the past..
2 days raw fruits and vegis with water to get your tummy used to less food. If your underweight you can have a bowl of oatmeal in the AM.
You can use a tad bit of oil and lemon juice as a salad dressing.
3 days raw juices. you need a juicer to do this. try not to mix vegi juices with fruit juices. It takes different enmzymes to break these down and shouldn't ever be eaten within a couple hours or so.
Try to drink more vegi juices than fruit.
you can have some fasting tea as well. you can get this at the health food store.
2 more days of raw fruits and vegis like the first 2 days.
If you do it right you might get some serious headaches the first few days if you are really toxic. It will surpass and you'll feel amazing.
you'll also pass all the crap thats been sitting in your intestines.
after the fast try to eat better to maintain your cleansed health. Vegetarian diets tend to be better for your insides and your overall health.
My sister does this fast a lot but I just do it once a year or so if I start to feel sluggish. I would like to do an internal cleansing. What products can I use that are safe?
Legitimate doctors do not really recommend products for such purposes, as the science does them says there's no need to cleanse such things, and no benefit at all to doing so. Your body contains organs, primarily the kidneys and the liver, that remove toxic chemicals more effectively than any substance or machine man has yet invented.
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