Wednesday, December 30, 2009

If you have GERD, will internal cleansing HELP?

Yes, it will be helpful. Here is some more information that will help and also some minor insight into cleansing.

I am not a doctor, so either way you will want to talk to them, but this is what I have to say as a long time sufferer of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.)!

Three part answer information, what not to do, and what to do!


I have a very severe case of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.). I have had to go to the hospital for some of the heartburn that I have had because the pain can become overwhelming or your breathing can be effected. It can be caused by Smoking, Drinking Beverages with caffeine (My case), Drinking Beverages with Alcohol, or can be Hereditary

The good thing about G.E.R.D. is that it can be a temporary thing and can be cured. It is never a permit thing even if you end up with it for the rest of your life it has the ability to be cured.

G.E.R.D. is caused by too much acid being created in your stomach. This can lead to or cause ulcers, esophagus damage, heartburn and/or damage in the mouth.

WHAT NOT TO DO!!!!!!!!

In most cases, stress is a factor to the reflux if you watch what you eat and reduce some of the stress it will help. If you watch what you eat for about a week you should find relief, if you do not then that is when you definitely what to listen to the doctor. Things to watch for are as follows:

Fatty Foods

Citrus Foods

Foods That Contain Grease

Fried Foods

Chocolate (including any Coco)




Tomato Based Products



The two foods that I recommend is Black strap Molasses and Raw honey. The apple is better for night time reflux while these will work for just about all of it. What you will do is take about a tsp. of whatever one you chose. Molasses being the better because of strength and nutrition, but must be use to the taste. What the substance will do is stick to the sides of the esophagus and do two things, one is heal and the other is protect.

On the healing end, both substances have a healing property in them, and as they sit on the walls of the esophagus they will heal it. This is also helpful if you have a sore throat in the morning from refluxing.

On the protection end, both substances are high in sugar and when acid that is refluxed comes up to that the sugar will neutralize it and it will not longer be a problem at that point.

I would also look to putting Cinnamon in you diet, it has been know to help with digestion and will help you reduce the amount of acid needed to brake down food, therefore causing you to reflux less.If you have GERD, will internal cleansing HELP?
No.If you have GERD, will internal cleansing HELP?
An internal cleansing will not relieve GERD. You are having heartburn or reflux for a physical reason. Too many spicy foods,caffeine, fatty foods, or foods that are hard to digest can cause GERD or, just from an overproduction of gastric juices ( acid ). There are several medications to treat GERD. But, before you do anything else, have your Doc make this determination that it is GERD. An internal cleansing is designed to clean out the intestinal system which, is not a recommended treatment for either of these treatments. If you have had this problem, please contact your Doc so that he/she may be able to determine what is happening. It could be more than just typical heartburn that is causing your symptoms. I hope that this helps.
Of course it will. People dont understand the power of internal cleansing. You can heal all issues with cleansing, nutrition, more water intake, exercise, and less stress. Everyone needs to get educated not medicated.

The colon. If your colon is bunged up, it can start to cause all sorts of health problems in the body. Eat lots of fruit and veg, include plenty of fiber in your diet and buy a colon cleanse from a health food store or online if necessary. It's also good to get some colonic irrigation. It makes you feel so clean inside and you get the urge to put only good food in your body after you've been cleansed.

1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water, herbal tea or unsweetened juice each day

2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper

3. Eat every two hours, by having healthy snacks in between meals. Eating frequently increases your metabolism.

4. Eat lots of fruit and veg.

5. When having potatoes, rice or pasta, just have a small portion.

1) Eat at least 5 servings of different fruits and vegetables every day. Don't eat any junk/snack type food until you've had at least 5 fruits/vegetables.

2) Stick to whole, unprocessed foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts. As much as you can, try to eat foods that don't have a brand name! So, for example, eat oatmeal (you can buy oats in the bulk bin of most grocery stores) instead of Honey Bunches of Oats.

3) Eliminate partially hydrogenated oil and high-fructose corn syrup completely.

4) Drink a gallon of water instead of soda. If you really want juice, make it a nutritious juice, such as orange juice. Apple and grape juices have very little in the way of nutrients.

5) Minimize animal products, especially fatty ones, as much as possible.

Best of health to you

I see you are trying to do the right thing with your bowels (bran and softners), but it's apparently not enough. A juice fast and cleanse with herbs would be very beneficial for your health.

Im currently on a 21 day juice fast (no eating) with an intake of herbs that help move the toxins out of the body. I get enough nutrition from the herbs (colon, liver, and kidney cleanse) and drink a lot of water during the day, so I dont get hungry during the day. I do this to teach and show people how beneficial this is for your health.

Nutrition is also the best remedy to help the healing process and by juicing the nutrition gets into the blood quickly, (seconds) instead of food and going through the whole process of digesting.

鈥淏enjamin Franklin - ';The best of all medicines are rest and fasting';

Dr Richard Shulze, ';Every patient that walked into my clinic was nutritionally depleted.';

Please do a thorough cleanse of your system and you'll come out ahead I promise.


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