Monday, December 21, 2009

What is the best colon cleansing product and does it actually work? Also will it help with parasites? l?

like worms?What is the best colon cleansing product and does it actually work? Also will it help with parasites? l?
The best colon cleanse is a diet of real whole food, not industrially processed crap from the ';food industry.'; It's not a product. It's a way of life.

If you think you have parasites, you should get tested. Different types of parasites need different solutions. You can get meds from your MD/DO, or you can consult with an herbalist who is familiar with anthelmintics once you know exactly what you are up against.What is the best colon cleansing product and does it actually work? Also will it help with parasites? l?
This is from the Mayo Clinic:

Proponents believe colon cleansing provides health benefits 鈥?by removing toxins from their bodies, and boosting their energy and their immune systems. But doctors take a different view.

Although doctors may recommend colon cleansing in preparation for a medical examination of the colon, most don't recommend colon cleansing for better health or to prevent disease. This is because:

It's unnecessary. Your colon doesn't require enemas or special diets or pills to eliminate waste material and bacteria. It does this naturally on its own.

It may be harmful. Your colon absorbs water and sodium to maintain your body's fluid and electrolyte balance. Some colon-cleansing programs disrupt this balance, causing dehydration and salt depletion. Long-term or excessive cleansing programs can lead to problems such as anemia, malnutrition and heart failure.

If constipation is your concern, you can help prevent constipation without colon cleansing. Drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in fiber. The Institute of Medicine offers these daily fiber recommendations:

38 grams for men and 25 grams for women 50 and younger

30 grams for men and 21 grams for women 51 and older
If you have worms, get a prescription from you GP to treat them. You possibly can get over-the-counter treatments from the chemist even. A colon cleansing alone may not eliminate the eggs that they lay and you must be extrememly careful to wash your hands properly when going to the toilet so as to ensure that you do not keep the cycle going, by passing the infection back into the gut through ingestion.
Goodkat, thumbs up man. Nail on the head.

Your colon doesn't need cleansing. That tube of flesh is quite honestly as resilient as your skin, if not more so.

Also, unless you've been living in the third world, it's doubtful you have parasites. And cleaning your colon wouldn't do anything for any known species. They have to essentially be poisoned with antiparasitic drugs.
Well I know someone who did colon cleansing on himself for a little while (because he heard it was good for him)...last time I checked his lifespan had been cut by half...

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