Monday, December 21, 2009

Has anyone had any negative side effects from an all natural herbal parasite cleanse?

The most common negative side effect from a natural herbal parasite cleanse is an empty wallet and diarrhea.

There is no efficacy to these things. If you are living in the US and you have formed stools, you don't have a parasite. If you are concerned, why not visit your physician for a quick stool exam (it's easy and painless). Any parasitic infection should be treated with an appropriate anti-parasitic medication.

I'm not sure why people think that an episode of diarrhea will cure a parasitic infections. An active, naturally obtained intestinal parasitic infection will typically cause diarrhea and will not dislodge any parasites.

Also, diarrhea is inherently bad... Think about the electrolyte imbalances and potential for dehydration. Save your money for something pleasant and actually healthful... Like a salad or a gym membership.Has anyone had any negative side effects from an all natural herbal parasite cleanse?
I never have.

I personally use a Revolutionary new techonology that is Doctor Recommended and cleanses the whole body.

I have lost 20 lbs and gone from a size 18-10. If you would like more information please feel free to email me directly at

or visit and watch the video that is on the topHas anyone had any negative side effects from an all natural herbal parasite cleanse?
A condition called the Herxheimer Effect takes place when we mobilize toxins in our body preparatory to their elimination. It means we will feel worse before we feel better. Generally lasts from 3 5 days. Best of luck.
Well, I bought the Ultimate Cleanse that cost $24 came with 2 cds with detailed information about the cleanse and each product in it. I started using the cleanse and was doing good for about a week. Got a bad pain in my left backside and realized I was dealing with my second espisode with Kideny Stones. Doggone...shouldnt the cleanse have helped against this considering all the products it is loaded with?! I really got discouraged with the cleanse and gave it away, cds and all! Since than I ahve been using the old fashioned method with great results....EPSOM SALT.......and it didnt cost no way near $24!
I don't know what you were taking, but any time one is doing a cleanse, in general, about 20% will get ';worse'; before they get better. The reason is that you are moving the toxins or parasites are fighting back in this case. The important thing is to keep at it. I remember a woman taking a parasitic cleanse. She was feeling like a dirty dog for about 3 days. Then, she noticed some dead white ';bugs'; in her stool and the next day she felt better than she had in over 10 years.

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