Monday, December 21, 2009

What's up with all this Colon cleanse crap and parasite propaganda?

I see these stupid commercials for dual action cleanse and many more. What does this stupid **** do besides crap? These people are so funny, they talk about crapping like it's social thing to do and talk about? WTF?What's up with all this Colon cleanse crap and parasite propaganda?
Well, most doctors recommend a fiber supplement if your diet is deficient. Most Americans' diets are deficient.

So it would benefit most Americans.What's up with all this Colon cleanse crap and parasite propaganda?
I don't know about commercials since I don't watch T.V., but I do know that there is a lot of hype in the cleansing world. The short answer to your question is that some companies see colon cleansing as a way to make a quick buck. On the flip side, they only see colon cleansing as a way to make a quick buck because it actually does help many people improve their health. I count myself among them.

If you have doubts about this, just read some of the testimonials on this site:

Also, about parasites - the World Health Organization estimates that almost 80% of people in the world have intestinal parasites - that includes people in industrialized countries.

Parasites are such an issue that one natural doctor claims they are a major cause and contributing factor to most kinds of cancers.
The commercials are a little over the top and get carried away with themselves to sell the stuff!!! BUT ,cleansing is a real and proven method of improving one's health! The effectivenesss will vary ,of course!!

The gut ,though is a repository of all kinds of nasties!! That is the case especially if you do not take in enough fiber!!

That is why vegetables and grains are so important !! They help to bind with bile and to scour your innerts to more fully remove wastes and toxins !!

Parasites take a more stronger approach!!

AND yes there are plenty of little bugs out there that would love to make a home in your gut!! Things that are smaller the tape worms -if you have ever heard of them!! Just to get you thinking- there are more microscopic plants and animals in your gut that HELP you to digest and asimilate nutrients - than you have CELLS in your whole body!!!! These critters in your gut are obviously a lot smaller than your cells!!

Just remember it's the small things that rule this planet and rule us -not the big things!! And BTW if those little bugs were not in your gut doing their work -other bad bugs -such as candida and yeast infection-would take over your body and you would die!!! Food for thought!!!!!!!!!!:-)))))))))
LMAO it's a nice way of telling people they're full of **** and to spend money.

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