Monday, December 21, 2009

Have any of you ever done a parasite or bowel cleanse?

If so did it make you feel better?What brand did you use?Are there any that don't make you loose weight,because I do not want to loose weight but would like to cleanse my bodyHave any of you ever done a parasite or bowel cleanse?
Sweep, don't cleanse! The concept of bowel cleansing, as you have been lead to think of it, is a fallacy. There are no ';retained toxins';, and if you are living in an industrialized part of the world and do not have any issues with diarrheal illness or wasting, you are unlikely to be harboring parasites. Teas and other solutions will not ';cleanse'; your intestines, and if they did, they would be just as likely to wash away the normal, essential bacterial flora that live in your intestines and keep things running smoothly. There are definitely things you can do, though, to optimize your intestinal health and make you feel better to boot. A diet that is rich in fiber - from vegetables, fruits and whole grains - gives substance to your small intestinal contents and to your stool. Fiber is not absorbed by your body but stays in the intestinal tract. It gives the rhythmic muscles of the intestines something to grab on to, and it helps push things along, essentially helping to sweep the intestines of unabsorbed stuff. For those that do not get enough fiber, or those who want more, a soluble fiber like Psyllium (Metamucil), taken once a day with a large glass of water, helps to sweep the intestinal tract in the same way. The regular delivery of a bolus of fiber to the colon helps it to comfortably and reliably eliminate waste once a day - i.e., nice, comfortable daily bowel habits. Skip the cleanse - try some fiber.Have any of you ever done a parasite or bowel cleanse?
The use of psyllium is a good idea since it helps to clean within the folds of your intestine!! Taking a good probiotic a few times a week as well as proteolitic enzymes a few times a week will help to keep your GI tract functioning well and to keep the balance between the good and bad bacteria and the yeast that inhabit your gut !!!! With all the additives in food and if one enjoys alcohol -even a little -the bugs in the gut that keep it functioing well can be diminished and thrown out of balance!!!

It is true -as well- tat one has to be careful with the bowel cleansers out there -such as bentonite clay and others since they do have a tendency to strip you of much of the nutrients , vitamins ,minerals and electrolites that are absorbed in the lower GI!! Gaiae (spelling ? ) herbals puts out a good one that attacks the bad bugs and parasites and keeping the desired nutrients in tact!! -if you really want to try a cleanse!!
Colon-cleansing programs disrupt the balance of fluids and electrolytes, causing dehydration and salt depletion. Long-term or excessive cleansing programs can lead to problems such as anemia, malnutrition and heart failure.

Your colon is meant to have a natural balance, like every other part of your body. If you feel it isn't functioning as it should, increase the amount of raw fibrous vegetables you consume, and drink plenty of filtered water.

The best colon cleanse on the market is a bag of carrots.
The comment ';your body is self cleaning'; is a half truth. If that were the case there would be no cancers! Cancer is your bodies last resort of elimination gone awry. So the better comment would be ';your body is self absorbing.'; And you need to get those toxins out. Cleansing (and or fasting) is a great way to achieve this. I've tried a few but I love the Master Cleanse! It acomplishes everything the others do wraped up in this one protocol. I felt reborn, slept 9hrs. straight thru! I haven't done that since high school. It also stopped my snoring, brought my cholesterol down to 160 and had blood pressure and a heart rate of a 20yr old!
I used a tea spoon of sea salt in 16ozs of water, and it worked really well. The sea salt acts like little scubbers on your bowel. it gets rid of the bad bacteria, but sanitizes the good bacteria. It was something that the doctor had suggested since I could not afford anything. It was amazing the results I got. I lost 8lbs in a week, and the stuff that came out was really crazy, but I feel much better, and I am going more regular. The nice thing, is that I would drink it at night, and in the morning I would go. It did not keep me in the bathroom all day, and did not cramp up my tummy like most of the products out there do.
my mom and sister have done it...they use a chinese diet tea in a green box (which i actually bought for a coworker this week) it wont make you lose weight with one or two tries but it will cleanse your will however need to use the restroom quite a few times specially right in the beggining so i suggest you do this on a weekend when you dont have to go to work/school...

You only use that stuff if you have a real problem. My daughter got worms then it really needed a cleansing. There was a specific purpose, you never can cleanse entirely because your body needs the good bacteria to make bowels.
Your body is self-cleaning. As long as you are eating healthy foods and not a lot of junk, you are as clean as you are going to get. Fasting, cleanses, all that stuff can be more harmful than helpful.
bought the kit at whole foods, didnt make me feel any different, didnt make me loose weight.
Learn more about benefits of colon cleansing and side effects of colon cleansing at:
I've done the cleanse from and believe me, I couldn't believe what came out of me...made a believer out of me!
No, I try to spend my money more wisely than wasting it on diarrhea inducers.
Bowel ';Cleansing'; is nonsense. Your bowels are self-';cleansing';, every time you go. Most of the products sold for ';cleansing'; are nothing more than strong laxatives.

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